Investment Management
Our investment portfolios are carefully designed based on your stage in life. For investors in the accumulation stage, portfolios are designed to grow using public and private equity investments and using market volatility to your advantage. For retirement investors, portfolios are created with the aim of reducing risk, improving returns, and creating a reliable income stream.
There are three key principles we follow to help grow and protect your nest egg:
Keep Investment Costs Low
According to Morningstar and Vanguard, the cost of your underlying investments is one of the best predictors of future returns.
In other words, low-cost investments, historically, have outperformed high-cost investments.
For that reason, the building blocks of our portfolios are low-cost index funds. These investments are then complemented with pension quality private assets.
This helps to improve the success rate of our client's retirement plans and reduce unnecessary risk.
Own Tax-Efficient Investments
Warren Buffet says his favorite holding period is forever.
We agree.
While buying and holding forever isn't practical for most retirement investors, we create portfolios with "low turnover."
Every time an investment is bought or sold (i.e., "turned over"), costs are incurred. Not just obvious costs like transaction fees and taxes, but hidden costs like bid-ask spreads.
These costs eat away at your investment returns. So, to optimize investment returns and mitigate taxes, we intentionally own investments with low turnover.
Own the Right Asset Classes
Not all investments are created equal.
Just because you can invest your money into something does not mean you should!
We only invest in asset classes that are positively supported by peer-reviewed, academic research and work well when invested together in a diversified portfolio (e.g., low and/or negative correlation to each other)
As a fiduciary, our job is to make investment decisions that are in your best interest. This means ignoring the daily market noise and sticking with evidence-based solutions.